Thursday, February 26, 2009

Ships - Kirarin Revolution Song Selection mp3

Artist: Ships
Album name: Kirarin Revolution Song Selection
Tracks :
  1. MP3LogoRabu X Mega (Instrumetal)

Ron Paul Sinks Chinese UFO

...armed with Russian Topal-M. Hollywood gossip is that Dick Cheney had ordered NORAD to -- you guessed it -- stand down. World War III is thus narrowly averted thanks to 911 Troof Movement. Yeah, right.

From the liar's vid description [quote] Russian Military Analysts are reporting today that Russian Coast Guard and Naval forces were forced to sink the Chinese registered cargo ship New Star bound for US Port of Seattle after it refused orders to stop and be boarded over fears it was carrying a missing nuclear warhead from a Russian Topol-M intercontinental ballistics missile.

[Quote # 2] Most disturbing about these reports are them stating that the New Star is owned by the J Rui Lucky Shipping Co Ltd. which is a private limited company registered in Hong Kong and has long been known by Russian FSB Analysts to be an International shipping carrier of US Military and CIA cargo to support their Global War on Terror under contract with the American giant services company KBR whose former leader was US Vice President Cheney.

These reports further state that President Obama and the Globalist elite he represents are now desperate in their attempts to stage a 9/11 type false flag operation in order to complete the subjugation of their citizens prior to the expected outbreak of massive social unrest they state will be occurring during the coming summer months as their economy continues to implode.

To the fears being felt by the American and European Globalists we can read as reported by German experts:

The global financial crisis could lead to an economic meltdown - and to instable democratic structures in the western world. Because governments spend more billions than they possess, the outcome will probably be a massive inflation connected with millions of lost jobs - or even the total collapse. That's why President Barack Obama needed an astronomic 3B-stimulus. But the Big Bailout will probably end as Big Bang: With no changes on the more-growth-more-capital-more financial market power mentality there will be no escape from the crisis. A global monetary reform seems to be the last exit from chaos and before social unrests will inevitably start. [End quotes]

Author: opchidexio

Keywords: Ronbots Paultards Russia China cargo ship sink sinking sinks sunk Sea of Japan disinfo liars propaganda

Added: February 26, 2009

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